Quick and Dirty Fractal App
I’ve been really busy moving in to my new web page so not a lot of time for blogging. Feel free to have a look around but it’s mostly under construction right now. A lot of the work is really...
I’ve been really busy moving in to my new web page so not a lot of time for blogging. Feel free to have a look around but it’s mostly under construction right now. A lot of the work is really...
This post is an interactive exploration of the chain rule from calculus. It’s a continuation of previous posts on calculus and layouts. I hope it gives some visual intuition for why the rule works. I’ve worked on the color scheme...
This post is the next iteration in my process to build a strategy for explaining complex mathematical problems, proofs and ideas. My first attempt can be found here. The basic idea is to break my explanation down into three parts:...
For me, a mathematical explanation has three parts: the high level ideas, a picture of the model, and symbolic reasoning. Following the symbolic reasoning in proofs and explanations requires effort and focus. When we are done, we may believe the...
The USA Mathematical Talent Search USAMTS is a unique mathematical competition for middle school and high school students. Previous competitions contain a treasure trove of challenging, thought provoking and remarkably accessible problems. I’m writing some interactive apps for a few...
The USA Mathematical Talent Search USAMTS is a unique mathematical competition for middle school and high school students. Previous competitions contain a treasure trove of challenging, thought provoking and remarkably accessible problems. I’m going to write some interactive apps for...
When students finish their high school calculus classes, they will likely remember many of the short cut rules for how to take the derivative of different types of functions (definitely useful!). They often don’t remember how these rules were derived...